How to make oil palm seeds needed patience in order to grow oil palm trees and harvest both satisfactory, for it takes several steps to get a good seed.
Process of making palm oil seeds
1. Female flowers of the parent tree duradeli cleaned and sprayed with insecticide and then wrapped with a special waterproof bag then tied at the base. It is intended that pollinating insects can not enter into the future so that the fruit produced is purely the result of crossbreeding.
2. Male flowers on the parent plant psifera wrapped in a special bag and after bloom sacrificed to obtain pollen. The pollen is then stored. If you want to use then tested in labaoratorium to test whether it is still alive.
3. Female flowers are already blooming and then pollinated with the specific tools used in the process of pollination.
4. Fruit from crosses produced and then processed for the germination process.
5. Peeled fruit to obtain seed regardless of his skin. Peeling the fruit of the oil palm can use pulping machines.
6. Seeds soaked in a bucket of water for about a week and every day the water should be replaced with new water.
7. After the seeds are soaked, seeds removed and wind dried in the shade for 24 hours with a single layer thick seed spread them alone. Water content in the seeds should be sought in order to remain at 17%.
8. Furthermore, the seeds are stored in a plastic bag with a length of 65 cm which can accommodate around 500 to 700 seeds. Plastic bags are sealed by folding the edges and tape it. Keep the plastic bags in a box measuring 30 cm x 20 cm x 10 cm, then place in a germination chamber where the temperature is 39 0C.
9. Seed examined 3 days (2 times per week) to open the plastic bag and spray with water mist using a hand sprayer to use in order to conform with the required humidity is between 21 to 22% for seed Dura and 28-30% for Tenera. Examples of seed moisture can be removed for examination.
10. If no seed has germinated, sow immediately in the nursery germination.
11. After passing through the 80 days, remove the bag from the crate in the germination chamber and place in a cool place. The water content must remain as they are cultivated. In a few days the seeds will issue kecambahnya shoots. For 15-20 days and then most of the seeds have germinated and ready to be moved into the nursery germination (prenursery or nursery). Seeds that do not germinate within the above should not be used for seed.
Another way to make oil palm seedlings
1. To choose palm sprouts.
1. To choose palm sprouts.
- If you want that kind of Tenera: select the seed is small and thin shell.
- If you want that kind of Dura: select the seeds are large and thick shell.
Select also that the eyes of the white shoots net, not defective and its length is no more than 2 cm. Select the oval shape like fruit seeds melinjo. Solid black shell, net of coir and fungi. Buds only one of each seed. The shape shoots great, not bent. Shoots and roots are still fresh, the root cap is still intact.
2. To choose a small seed (baby)
Choose a nice canopy shape, his bongkot (bottom part of the stem) are large, stubby, do not select are tall and slender. Fresh green leaves and stems, at least 3 months of age already have 4 open leaf midrib. Don't select the midrib of the leaf closes or does not open. Its roots sturdy, not wobbly. Select also the leaves are not wilted or disability due to the disease due to worm-eaten.
2. To choose a small seed (baby)
Choose a nice canopy shape, his bongkot (bottom part of the stem) are large, stubby, do not select are tall and slender. Fresh green leaves and stems, at least 3 months of age already have 4 open leaf midrib. Don't select the midrib of the leaf closes or does not open. Its roots sturdy, not wobbly. Select also the leaves are not wilted or disability due to the disease due to worm-eaten.

3. To choose the large seeds ready for planting
Palm seedlings are planted when one year old, starting from the start was moved to a big polybag of age baby (three months). However, if the land will be planted in wet or many rat, it is usually planted is two years old. Seed age of two years prior to the leaf midrib cut all half.
The nice feature of large seed is the same as the characteristics of baby seedlings, ditambahadanya tendrils at the tip of the upper leaf midrib. Also, do not choose a large seed that grew far exceeds his friends, because usually it is the male seed. If it is going in the growing For help pollinate later, plant one tree For every 51 trees.
Typically, the seeds of which are placed at the outskirts of the nursery, will not grow as tall as his friend is more to the middle. This is normal. And the seeds are on the edge of the seed is not no good.
4. When the shoots of palm oil or regular coconut pests attacked by borers, spray it with salt water. Remember, do not leave it too long, because the growth of plant shoots can be severely impaired.
5. To normalize the robust oil / needles.
Of palm trees that only a small fruit and dominated thorn course, do not cut or replaced new, because it can be normalized by: panenlah fruit and cut his schedule midrib normal fruitful. Each harvest, collect trash or dry palm leaves around the base of the trunk, and then burned.
Measure huge pile of junk until no cause of death because the fire is too large. Try to keep the lower leaves to wilt slightly. Perform each harvest, until the fruit so normal. Usually about 6 months to a year. This is a common way of smallholders' farmers in North Sumatra, and the success rate is usually above 90%.
Yes, that's the process of how to make oil palm seedlings. May be useful.
Measure huge pile of junk until no cause of death because the fire is too large. Try to keep the lower leaves to wilt slightly. Perform each harvest, until the fruit so normal. Usually about 6 months to a year. This is a common way of smallholders' farmers in North Sumatra, and the success rate is usually above 90%.
Yes, that's the process of how to make oil palm seedlings. May be useful.